Quem sou eu
- Orlando de Magalhães Mollica
- Arquiteto e Urbanista, Artista Plástico, caricaturista com publicações no Pasquim, Globo, Jornal do Brasil, Jornal do comércio, Opinião, Playboy e outros. Capas e ilustrações para livros, editoras ZAHAR, José Olympio, FTD e outras. Prêmio de “Ilustrador do Ano”, Clube de Criação – S.P - 1989, Prêmio da Fundação Nacional do Livro “Melhor Ilustração Infantil" - 1989. Mestrado e doutorado em comunicação ECO-UFRJ. Professor adjunto da faculdade Santa Úrsula, de 1975-2000. Professor de desenho e pintura da Escola de Artes visuais do Parque Lage com o curso "Desenho Contemporâneo: produção de sentido e narratividade" - autor do livro "Arte, Artistas e Arteiros" 2011 (versão digital)Editora Gato Sabido - www.gatosabido.com.br E-mail: orlandommollica@gmail.com
sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2009
Imaginário Popular - Instalação
Um país é composto por suas paisagens. É sobre essa composição o trabalho que Mollica desenvolve nos últimos dez anos. Começou com uma fascinação pela pesquisa da luminosidade do Rio de Janeiro por António Parreiras, um paisagista stricto senso cuja obra vai de 1884 a 1934. E então o seu próprio conceito de paisagem explode com as pinturas das grandes pedras do Rio dos anos 1980/90 antes de Cristo - aquelas que você vê no fundo da caverna/capela de Comte, na TV. As grandes pedras continuam lá a nos rememorar nossa não-História.
Foi em contato com essa não-História que eclodiram os momentos/marcas de nossa construção nacional. Aqui nunca houve país. E sim uma série de surtos que sempre apontam para fora: fora do que se entende por país e por História, algo terreno, que reúne carnavalizada e acronologicamente muitos povos (e todos os tempos). Foi assim com o indigenismo romântico depois da Independência, e com os nossos republicanos positivistas, seguidores de Comte. Na França ninguém sustentou o delírio final de Comte criando uma religião. Fora desta capela em Paris, a Igreja Positivista só encontrou espaço no México e no Brasil. Porque entre nós e entre os mexicanos a tabulação que cria os Deuses e os povos ainda continua viva.
Nos anos 20, em outro surto de "formação nacional", repetimos essa voz múltipla, sem dono e sem lugar, no nosso Modernismo de negros e índios, antropófago. É desses anos, junto com o primeiro ciclo industrial e a fundação do Partido Comunista Brasileiro, a criação da Umbanda: uma invenção de intelectuais de classe média que seguiram o mesmo programa dos modernistas - afro, indigenista, estética canibal - nenhum preconceito - e uma espécie de ressonância da loucura republicana dos seguidores de Comte.
Uma igreja para um povo sem pecado. Expressão de nossa alegria louca e não de nossa miséria. Inventamos deuses. O último é um "chofer de caminhão". Umbanda quer dizer "passagem" (ou "paisagem"?). É este o rumor que Mollica deseja fazer ressoar e assombrar na casa de Augusto Comte; agora, como belíssima homenagem e disparate. Casa do Brasil.
Mauro Sá Rego Costa
...que um tufão caleidoscópico sugou as infinitas paisagens do Rio de Janeiro, naquela manhã azulada, de neóns ainda acesos, para depois lançá-las de volta, ao avesso, sobre o espelho de seus mitos. Revelou-se o rastro das personagens invisíveis. No tambor da pele um corpo gutural penetrou a gruta coberta pelo véu de água omoluoxum de kaiapótamôio - a cura sem assepsia é mais voraz e aplaude irreverente a globalização informática onde os pés não sentem os pedregulhos do chão em brasa. Brasa de Brasil fervendo a síntese de todo o passado e futuro. Em alguma esquina o ritual de alguém incógnito. Natureza Viva: um sol oculto por entre novas academias de vidro fume ...
Xico Chaves
Popular Imagery – An Installation by Mollica (Translation: Roger Penny)
A country is composed of its landscapes. Mollica’s work over the last ten years has been about just this.
It started with his fascination with landscapist Antônio Parreiras’s research into the quality of light in Rio de Janeiro (1884 to 1934). Consequently, Mollica’s own concept of landscape explodes in the paintings of the great mountains of Rio of 1980/90 – those that you can see on the television at the far end of Conte’s cave/chapel. These great rocks continue there to remind us of our non-History.
It was in contact with this non-History that the key moments in our national construction were hatched. There was never a real country here, just a series of outbreaks that always point outwards, away from what we understand by country and History; something earthly that joins together many peoples (and all time) in a carnivalesque and achronological way. It was like that with romantic indigenousness after Independence and with our positivist republicans, followers of Comte. In France nobody kept alive Comte’s final delirium by creating a religion. Outside this chapel in Paris the Positivist Church only found room in Mexico and Brazil. That is because the imaginary narrative which creates gods and peoples continues alive and well among the Mexicans and us
In the 20’s, in another outbreak of “forming the nation”, we repeated this multiple voice, ownerless and displaced, in our anthropophagous modernism of blacks and Indians. It was in this decade, together with the first industrial cycle and the foundation of the Brazilian Communist Party, that middle-class intellectuals, who followed the same programme as the modernists, created Umbanda; afro, nativist, cannibal aesthetic - no prejudice - a kind of echo of the republican madness of Comte. A church for a people without sin. Expression of our demented happiness and not of our misery. We invented gods. The latter is a “truck driver”. Umbanda means “passage” (or “pasture”).
This is the tale with which Mollica wants to rattle and shock the house of Auguste Comte; now, as a fine and disparate tribute, House of Brazil.
Mauro Sá Rego Costa
…Imagine a kaleidoscopic typhoon sucked up the infinite landscapes of Rio de Janeiro in the blue morning with neon signs still switched on in order to blow them back inside-out on to a mirror of its myths. One could see the trail of invisible characters. On the skin drum a guttural body penetrated the grotto covered by the veil of water Omolu-Oxum of Kaiapó-Tamôio – a cure without asepsis is more voracious and irreverently applauds the globalization of information where its feet do not feel the stones the bed of hot coals. The bed of Brazil boiling the synthesis of all its past and future. The ritual of someone unknown at some street corner. Living Nature: a hidden sun in between new academies of smoked glass.
Xico Chaves
April 1997
Notes by Roger Penny
Auguste Comte (1798-1857) took Enlightenment to the extreme with his Positivism, a philosophy that holds that the only authentic knowledge is that based on actual sense experience. Such knowledge can come only from affirmation of theories through strict scientific method. Metaphysical speculation is avoided.
Positivism had a fundamental influence on the events that led up to the military coup and the Proclamation of the Republic of Brazil in 1889, mainly through Benjamin Constant one of the protagonists of the 1889 uprising and Minister of War in the first republican government. Indeed, the inscription on the Brazilian flag “Ordem e Progresso” (Order and Progress) is from the Positivist motto "Love as a principle, Order as a base and Progress as an end.”
Comte went so far as to set up a religion based on his philosophy, but only in Brazil and Mexico did it gain any significant adherence. The “Chapelle de l’Humanité” in Paris, where Mollica installed his work, is the mother church. Positivist temples continue to exist in Brazil, notably in Rio de Janeiro. There is a degree of interchange between them, as can be seen by the presence of French and Brazilian flags.
Positivism glorifies certain people as being the summit of human achievement in their particular field. In the nave of the chapel in Paris there are thirteen of them painted on the walls; Moses (Early Theocracy), Homer (Ancient Poetry), Aristotle (Ancient Philosophy), Archimedes (Ancient science), Julius Caesar (Military Civilization), St. Paul (Catholicism), Charlemagne (Feudal Catholic Civilization), Dante (Modern Poetry), Gutenberg (Modern Industry), Shakespeare (Modern Drama), Descartes (Modern Philosophy), Frederick II (Modern Politics) and Bichat (Modern Science), plus Heloise (representative of the "Holy Women" or "Female Glorification").
Towards the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th, like many other countries in Western society, Brazil showed signs of new cultural and political movements that came to be described as Modernism. Embracing change and the present, modernism encompasses the works of thinkers who rebelled against nineteenth century academic and historicist traditions, believing the "traditional" forms of art, architecture, literature, religious faith, social organization and daily life were becoming outdated; they directly confronted the new economic, social and political conditions of an emerging fully industrialized world. The 1908 founding (or announcement) of Umbanda in Brazil, a non-proselytizing blend of African religions with Catholicism and Spiritism, was seen by some reforming and revolutionary political leaders in the 20s and 30s to be a manifestation of Modernism. While the conservative elite still clung to its exotic and ideological Positivist heroes, the black and indigenous people could find their religious needs met with Umbanda. Today, despite the widespread adhesion to Umbanda among Brazilians of all social classes there remains considerable suspicion and prejudice against it.
Some of the Umbanda's basic beliefs are the existence of a One Supreme Creator God (the Orixá Olorum); deities called Orixás related to Catholic Saints that act as God's energy and plain power expansions; spirits of deceased people that counsel and guide believers through troubles in our material world; psychics called mediums who have a natural ability that can be perfected to bring messages from the spiritual world of Orixás and guiding spirits, reincarnation and spiritual evolution through many material lives (Karmic Law) and the practice of Charity.
The main Orixás (Pantheon) are:
Orixála (or Oxalá). He is the chief Orixá who represents the Lord's Light, the Beginning, the Verbum. His celestial body is the Sun, his ritual day is Sunday and his sacred colors are white and yellow.
Yemanjá. She represents the feminine principle of creation. She is linked to the sea (and so considered the patron of fishermen) and to the moonlight. Her celestial body is the Moon, her ritual day is Monday, and her sacred colors are blue and silver.
Xangô. He is the lord of justice and represents the lightning bolt. His ritual day is Thursday and his sacred colors are red and/or brown. He is evoked when people need justice.
Ogun. He is a warrior that protects people in the military. He is evoked when someone wants to win a battle, a struggle, or any kind of fight or competition.
Oxóssi. He is a hunter and protector of Nature. His day is Friday and his sacred colors are green and blue.
Ibeji. Those are entities often related to child spirits (Crianças).
Omulum. He is the Lord of Death, the Orixá that brings diseases, but when appeased gives good health and healing.
As well as the Orixás there are three levels of spirits, each with its own significance, characters and imagery. These images are often recreated in the form painted plaster statues that can be found in all Umbanda centres and in many homes.
In his installation at the Chapelle de l’Humanité, Mollica created a provocative confrontation between the images of twelve male and one female Positivist “gods” of Universal Reason, pillars of the Old Republic (also known as the Colonels’ Republic) and 12 images of Orixás and other Umbanda spirits, a significant presence in the day-to-day life of ordinary Brazilians.
Mollica writes: “I had tremendous difficulty with the person responsible for the Chapel in Paris in finding a suitable title for the exhibition, exactly because of his intellectual prejudice against the marked presence of Umbanda in the daily life of Brazilians, especially amongst poor folk who are left to the own devices by the negligence of an elitist and corrupt state.”
Mollica also writes of his success in provoking a prejudiced reaction: “Proof of this (is) that I fell out of favour at the University of Santa Úrsula (his erstwhile employer and part sponsor) because of a report sent to the Mother Superior by a woman linked to the Catholic religion. Out of pure prejudice, she claimed not to understand anything, nor even admit that Brazil is dedicated to certain gods, many of them of the ordinary people. This phenomenon is even more present in the “white’ heads of the majority of the Brazilian middle class, Catholic as well as Pentecostal, who see Umbanda as a satanic ritual, while others more “condescending” see it as mere superstition.”
Roger Penny, Rio de Janeiro, 21/01/2009
Positivism had a fundamental influence on the events that led up to the military coup and the Proclamation of the Republic of Brazil in 1889, mainly through Benjamin Constant one of the protagonists of the 1889 uprising and Minister of War in the first republican government. Indeed, the inscription on the Brazilian flag “Ordem e Progresso” (Order and Progress) is from the Positivist motto "Love as a principle, Order as a base and Progress as an end.”
Comte went so far as to set up a religion based on his philosophy, but only in Brazil and Mexico did it gain any significant adherence. The “Chapelle de l’Humanité” in Paris, where Mollica installed his work, is the mother church. Positivist temples continue to exist in Brazil, notably in Rio de Janeiro. There is a degree of interchange between them, as can be seen by the presence of French and Brazilian flags.
Positivism glorifies certain people as being the summit of human achievement in their particular field. In the nave of the chapel in Paris there are thirteen of them painted on the walls; Moses (Early Theocracy), Homer (Ancient Poetry), Aristotle (Ancient Philosophy), Archimedes (Ancient science), Julius Caesar (Military Civilization), St. Paul (Catholicism), Charlemagne (Feudal Catholic Civilization), Dante (Modern Poetry), Gutenberg (Modern Industry), Shakespeare (Modern Drama), Descartes (Modern Philosophy), Frederick II (Modern Politics) and Bichat (Modern Science), plus Heloise (representative of the "Holy Women" or "Female Glorification").
Towards the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th, like many other countries in Western society, Brazil showed signs of new cultural and political movements that came to be described as Modernism. Embracing change and the present, modernism encompasses the works of thinkers who rebelled against nineteenth century academic and historicist traditions, believing the "traditional" forms of art, architecture, literature, religious faith, social organization and daily life were becoming outdated; they directly confronted the new economic, social and political conditions of an emerging fully industrialized world. The 1908 founding (or announcement) of Umbanda in Brazil, a non-proselytizing blend of African religions with Catholicism and Spiritism, was seen by some reforming and revolutionary political leaders in the 20s and 30s to be a manifestation of Modernism. While the conservative elite still clung to its exotic and ideological Positivist heroes, the black and indigenous people could find their religious needs met with Umbanda. Today, despite the widespread adhesion to Umbanda among Brazilians of all social classes there remains considerable suspicion and prejudice against it.
Some of the Umbanda's basic beliefs are the existence of a One Supreme Creator God (the Orixá Olorum); deities called Orixás related to Catholic Saints that act as God's energy and plain power expansions; spirits of deceased people that counsel and guide believers through troubles in our material world; psychics called mediums who have a natural ability that can be perfected to bring messages from the spiritual world of Orixás and guiding spirits, reincarnation and spiritual evolution through many material lives (Karmic Law) and the practice of Charity.
The main Orixás (Pantheon) are:
Orixála (or Oxalá). He is the chief Orixá who represents the Lord's Light, the Beginning, the Verbum. His celestial body is the Sun, his ritual day is Sunday and his sacred colors are white and yellow.
Yemanjá. She represents the feminine principle of creation. She is linked to the sea (and so considered the patron of fishermen) and to the moonlight. Her celestial body is the Moon, her ritual day is Monday, and her sacred colors are blue and silver.
Xangô. He is the lord of justice and represents the lightning bolt. His ritual day is Thursday and his sacred colors are red and/or brown. He is evoked when people need justice.
Ogun. He is a warrior that protects people in the military. He is evoked when someone wants to win a battle, a struggle, or any kind of fight or competition.
Oxóssi. He is a hunter and protector of Nature. His day is Friday and his sacred colors are green and blue.
Ibeji. Those are entities often related to child spirits (Crianças).
Omulum. He is the Lord of Death, the Orixá that brings diseases, but when appeased gives good health and healing.
As well as the Orixás there are three levels of spirits, each with its own significance, characters and imagery. These images are often recreated in the form painted plaster statues that can be found in all Umbanda centres and in many homes.
In his installation at the Chapelle de l’Humanité, Mollica created a provocative confrontation between the images of twelve male and one female Positivist “gods” of Universal Reason, pillars of the Old Republic (also known as the Colonels’ Republic) and 12 images of Orixás and other Umbanda spirits, a significant presence in the day-to-day life of ordinary Brazilians.
Mollica writes: “I had tremendous difficulty with the person responsible for the Chapel in Paris in finding a suitable title for the exhibition, exactly because of his intellectual prejudice against the marked presence of Umbanda in the daily life of Brazilians, especially amongst poor folk who are left to the own devices by the negligence of an elitist and corrupt state.”
Mollica also writes of his success in provoking a prejudiced reaction: “Proof of this (is) that I fell out of favour at the University of Santa Úrsula (his erstwhile employer and part sponsor) because of a report sent to the Mother Superior by a woman linked to the Catholic religion. Out of pure prejudice, she claimed not to understand anything, nor even admit that Brazil is dedicated to certain gods, many of them of the ordinary people. This phenomenon is even more present in the “white’ heads of the majority of the Brazilian middle class, Catholic as well as Pentecostal, who see Umbanda as a satanic ritual, while others more “condescending” see it as mere superstition.”
Roger Penny, Rio de Janeiro, 21/01/2009
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